It's that time again....time to meet another budding Blogger. This time I introduce Zoe from ZoZeZe 'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams'
"My name is Zoe and it means Life in Greek. I'm a 17 year old who makes too many impulse buys and spends far too much money on superficial things. xo"
→Hello! I hope your'e all fired up for the questioning! It's not too gruelling, don't worry!
Haha, i love answering question so this is exciting for me!
→How long have you been Blogging for?
Since 08/10/2011.
→Why did you start Blogging? Did someone/ something inspire you?
I started watching beauty videos on Youtube a few years ago but didn't(And still don't!) have the confidence to do videos so it wasn't until this year that i discovered the blogging community and recently i just decided it was the right time to jump right in and make my own blog.
→Were you scared to start Blogging to strangers?
Everyone is so friendly, it doesn't feel like people are strangers.
→How easy do you find Blogging? Html/ time/ money wise.
From having previous social networking sites i already knew basic html so that wasn't a problem for me. Time wise i don't have any other real hobbies and although i'm busy at the moment with exam revision, coursework etc i always find time to blog.
→Which audience is your Blog aimed at? Please also describe your Blog.
My blog is a mix of beauty, fashion, upcoming trends and occasionally an odd post about my kittens! I like the main focus to be on beauty related things such as make up, nails and hair because that's what really interests me.
It's primarily aimed at teen girls similar to me, but i have a diverse range of followers. Anyone of any age could find something for them.
→Do your friends & family know of your Blog? Are they supportive?
No one knows, mainly because none of them really share the same interest in beauty related things so it's not something that would come up in conversation. I know that they'd all be extremely supportive though.
→Would you like to still be Blogging in 5 years time?
I really would like to, yes.
→Do you see yourself having a potential career from your Blog?
Not really. I already have career aspirations that are completely unrelated but if something was to come about from my blog then i wouldn't not consider it.
→What are the pro's & con's of having a Blog?
It's a great way to get your opinion out there and interact with such a variety of people that share the same interests as you.
The only cons are that it requires time but it's a small price to pay for something that you love doing.
→How much time & effort a day/week do you put into your Blog?
It really depends on the day, i've done some posts that have taken me hours where as others that only took minutes! As well as reading and replying to comments, taking/uploading photo's and editing my blog it does take a substantial amount of effort and definitely time but it really doesn't faze me, i love doing it all.
→Has Blogging changed your life?
I'm naturally quite a shy person even with people that i already know, especially when it comes to voicing my own opinion and ideas and within the few weeks i've had my blog i feel like its given me more self confidence.
→What is your holy grail beauty product?
This is a tricky one! It's quite a new product for me but i'm going to have to say Benefits 'they're real' mascara.
→Have you any wise words for those unsure or new to Blogging.
I would say if your'e unsure about starting a blog, don't be! You have nothing to lose and you can always give up if you decide its not for you.
For new bloggers i would say just be yourself and interact with other bloggers, you'll get the hang of it in no time!
→What do you think of this new feature?
I think it's brilliant!
→Random last one! Which sweet best describes your personality and why?
I spent ages trying to think of a good answer and everything i came up with sounded awfully embarrassing!
I recommend you all check out Zoe's blog!